A call to have Communion with the Risen Christ in Daily Life
Communion with the Risen Christ in Daily Life The post resurrection kerygma invites the church to celebrate the continuing presence of risen Christ in our day-to-day-life. We are called to have communion with the risen Christ in our daily life. What does it mean to have communion with the risen Christ? The word Communion literally means "sharing." Having communion with the risen Christ means; participating in the fellowship of the risen Lord. communion is an act of manifesting a right relationship with God. It reminds us to reinstate our covenantal relationship with God. Usually the Lord's Supper is called communion ( 1 Corinth 10:16 , 1 Corinth 10:17 ), because in it there is fellowship between Christ and his disciples, and of the disciples with others. When we say communion it indicates an invisible unity between God and us. It is a kind of bond, attachment with our Master. Communion also implies the state of intimacy with God, exhibiting a cl...