Christmas: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace
Christmas: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace Introduction ‘Prince of Peace’ is one of the Isaiah’s titles attributed to Jesus before his birth. Jesus was predicted as a peacemaker between the creation and the creator. He came as a source and scope of peace. Finding space for the prince of peace is a challenge. Today, many who celebrate Christmas seem to have no space in their hearts for the prince of peace. Therefore, Christmas reminds us to be humble enough to offer space for the Prince of Peace! What is Peace? An Indian word for peace is “ shanthi, ” which implies harmony. Peace is not the absence of war but the presence of everything we need for our existence. The biblical word for peace is “shalom” which denotes “a state of completion and wholeness.” The general meaning of shalom is entering into a state of perfectness and wholeness, it is a restored relationship with God. Peace is ...