Christmas: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace

 Christmas: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace

‘Prince of Peace’ is one of the Isaiah’s titles attributed to Jesus before his birth.
Jesus was predicted as a peacemaker between the creation and the creator.
He came as a source and scope of peace.
Finding space for the prince of peace is a challenge.
Today, many who celebrate Christmas seem to have no space in their hearts for the prince of peace.
Therefore, Christmas reminds us to be humble enough to offer space for the Prince of Peace!

What is Peace?

An Indian  word for peace is “shanthi,” which implies harmony.
Peace is not the absence of war but the presence of everything we need for our existence.
The biblical word for peace is “shalom” which denotes “a state of completion and wholeness.”
The general meaning of shalom is entering into a state of perfectness and wholeness, it is a restored relationship with God. 
Peace is so important to all of us.
We long for peace in our thoughts, in our decisions, in our emotions, in our relationships, in our business transactions, in our families and in our world.This is because; conflict is so prevalent in our lives!

So we long for some form of resolution some answer, and some hope that assures us peace
We want a world without pain, a world without fear, a world without war and hatred?
We want a community that is hallmarked by friendship and mutual concern.
We long for a family where there is no misunderstanding, where there is only mutual respect, trust, love and care.
Today the whole world is in search of peace!
Every newspaper, every news broadcast and website tells us about millions of people caught up in conflict and living in daily fear of violence in different places. 
We have become familiar with the faces of people who flee from their origin, desperately searching of some form of security. It is in this context today’s theme “finding space for the prince of Peace” becomes vital for us.

Let us closely look at the theme: Finding Space for the Prince of Peace.
There was no space of Jesus at the first Christmas.
Mary and Joseph were finding space for themselves and for the Prince of peace.
They wandered from place to place in search of place. There was no room for them. 
Finally they found space in cattle shed and laid the child in a manger.
It is ironical that the Prince of peace finds space in most uncommon place. 
Today, it appears that there is no room for Jesus, but we need to find space.
For the Prince of peace there is always room if you are willing to seek and find.
In our busy lives, our heads are full of our preconceived ideas about God, our expectations of God and our laundry list of what we want from God.
It’s no wonder that we often feel distant from God. We don’t create the space in our busy minds for Him to enter in.
Our mind swings from one thought to the next without stopping. With this state of mind, it is difficult to quieten our minds enough to enter into a dialogue with God.
Creating space for God involves our emotional, mental and moral faculties.
This is where meditation and contemplative prayer can be helpful. 
Slowing down and spending some quality time alone with God is a great way to make space for God.

There are 3 aspects of Peace Process

1. Discover the Presence of Peace
2. Demonstrate the Power of Peace
3. Declare the Promise of Peace 

1. Discover the Presence of Peace

In Isaiah 9:6 ‘peace’ is discovered.
It says: “For to us a child is born, to us a Son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, and Prince of peace.”
The kind of peace that Jesus brought in, was contrary to the Jewish expectations of that time, such as victory over the war, acculturation of nations, killing enemy including their children and livestock, destroying the architectures and even burning them to ashes.
What an angry God they desired to establish kingdom of peace!
Contrary to their expectations, the God of wrath and anger sends the prince of peace to reconcile the conflicting world unto God!
Change of life perspective that brings newness of life in attitude, aptitude, outlook, thought process, the very value system and purity of relationships are embedded in peace that Jesus brought by being the wonderful counselor, mighty God, everlasting Father, and prince of peace.
Thus, the Christmas is a cultural outbreak, a discovery of a web of life connecting people of all nations, every tribe, caste and culture.
The presence of Peace is not limited to a particular community or nation rather it must be found in all human life situations.
We need to discover this kind of peace today.   
Individual peace is essential for the family peace, as well as for the community peace.
Jesus Christ came as the prince of peace to dwell in our hearts.
He is Immanuel: God with us in the form of Peace.
Colossians 3:15 says “Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace.
Providing room for Jesus on this Christmas day is discovering newness of peace in our hearts.
Let us receive the prince of peace into our hearts and offer space for Him in our lives.

2. Demonstrate the Power of Peace 

In Romans 5:1 St. Paul says “since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
This is how the power of peace is demonstrated.
God created the world of humanity with complete perfection and goodness and He found it Good (Gen 1:31).
In order that we continue to be good and perfect in glorious relation with God, he predestined us for adoption to Sonship through Jesus Christ.
Humanity got caught in sin and digressed the expected line of sanctity and beauty of God’s own children.
In order to restore the predestined peace with God, Jesus had to incarnate and shed his blood, and define the space for the prince of peace.
The Holy Spirit is given to us as a guarantee of such space and defined us as a restored community to continue the mission of perpetuating peace in this world.
The angels announced the message of Peace but the shepherds took that message to those living in fear and danger.
Peace is not only an inner experience but also external sharing.
God lives with us in the form of peace and enables us to take that peace to others who need it most. 
In Romans 2: 7- 18 If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone.
Sharing peace with one another is finding space for the Prince of peace with others.
The bible tells “blessed are the peace makers, for they will be called the children of God.”
We are called to demonstrate that we are the children of God by making peace with others.

3. Declare the Promise of Peace  

In Micah 5:4-5 we find the promise of peace."He will stand and shepherd His flock in the strength of the Lord. They will live securely, for then His greatness will reach to the ends of the earth. And He will be their peace.”
Zechariah 9:10 adds, "He will proclaim peace to the nations."
Jesus is the "Prince of Peace," which means “He is the source of peace.”
He gives peace to all who turn to Him. That is the promise of God in Christmas.
Christmas peace brings God and human in close communion.
Christmas is a real celebration of singing the good news of salvation. Angels were the first to proclaim this good news.
Luke 2:14-  is the crux of the angelic carol. “Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace among those with whom he is pleased.”
For the prince of peace, the space is in the highest yet he chooses to dwell among us.
Unless there is peace among people, God in heaven cannot be glorified.
In other words, God is being greatly glorified and peace is being made available to people through Jesus Christ, the prince of peace.
We need to become the channels of peace made by the angels.  
We, who are celebrating Christmas must be mindful of the fact that the promise of peace declared at the first Christmas have to become a reality in our lives.
God calls us to be peacemakers in this conflicting world.
Most often, the vulnerable become victims of greed and hatred.
We must risk ourselves, allow our peace to be disturbed till we find a space for the prince of peace amidst the vulnerable and the marginalized that God may reign and people live in harmony.


Peace is God’s solution for the endemic turmoil.
The Christmas message is about the Prince of Peace coming to us, coming to live amongst us, bringing us peace, teaching us to walk in the ways of peace.
If we want to live in a peaceful world we need to let the Prince of Peace come and dwell among us.
Let us provide space for him!
May the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.Amen


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