Christ Style of Interpersonal Relationship

Christ Style of Interpersonal Relationship

1. Unconditional Acceptance
·        Accepting the sinners  and publicans
·        Accepting the lepers and prostitutes
·        Accepting the sick and the needy

2. Attentive Listening
·        Listening to Samaritan woman
·        Listening to Nicodemus 
·        Listening to a blind Barthemeus  

3. Genuine in Appreciation
·        Appreciating the bleeding woman who touched Jesus
·        Appreciating the widow who put two coins in the offertory box
·        Appreciating Centurion, the other faith man

4. Caring Confrontation
·        It means telling the truth in love
·        Peter said to Jesus: Don’t go to Jerusalem…..Jesus confronted saying…get back Satan!
·       Jesus confronted with Pharisees calling them hypocrites and white washed tombs  
·      Confronting for change is necessary!


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